1/ WHAT IS WEBSICO ------------------ WEBSICO is an online website builder, fully WYSIWYG, drag'n drop, allowing to create and publish easily responsive web sites. Once installed on an internet server, it is fully driven through a standard web browser. http://websico.com 2/ LICENSE ---------- Beside some third-party files under their own public license, the software is copyright (c) Olivier SESTON, Bordeaux France. The copyleft version in this directory and it's subdirectories is delivered under GNU Affero Public License, to be installed on private servers, and/or adapted for particular needs, or to make derivative works. You'll find a copy of GNU AGPL in the file license.txt. 3/ HOSTING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------ - Linux system (centos6/7 tested), Windows 7 (used for development with WAMP) - Apache 2 - PHP 5, 7 (5.3 -> 5.5, 7.4 validated) - MySQL 5 (MySQL 5.1 -> 5.6 and Mariadb 5.4 validated) - a mail server (postfix validated) or an SMTP relay account - zip and unzip utilities FILESYSTEM considerations: The websico site root directory must be writable by the apache user (apache:apache). APACHE considerations: Mod_rewrite must be available and the websico site root directory must be AllowOverride All, this is to allow the .htaccess file to work properly, otherwise some weird behaviour can be noticed. PHP considerations: Some ini directives should be setup, those which default values are not always suitable (see notes below). RSS reader needs xml libraries, you might have to install php-xml package, otherwise reading some feeds will crash. MySQL considerations: If user and/or database is not yet created it must only exist a user with all privileges, all necessary stuff will be created on the fly. 4/ INSTALLATION --------------- - download websico.tgz - untar websico.tgz to your_site_root_directory (tar xzf websico.tgz) - edit carefully ws_config.php to setup your parameters - browse your url and enjoy ! 5/ RE-INSTALLATION, NEW VERSION ------------------------------- To make a full clean reinstallation keeping your data and parameters - download a backup with the help of the admin page of your site - save ws_preferences.php from your_site_root_directory - save ws_config.php for reference - cleanup your_site_root_directory - make installation as described above - restore ws_preferences.php - restore your data with the help of the admin page of your site 6/ NOTES -------- For import/export site data (download/upload) you'll probably have to increase some php configuration settings to be comfortable, see .htaccess for example. According to your hosting (dedicated, shared etc.) it will be possible or not; the best way on a dedicated is to set them in php.ini, you could also uncomment the corresponding lines in .htaccess file, make a .user.ini file, or use any other method available. 7/ CREDITS ---------- - TinyMCE for rich text editor - PHPMailer for email sending - jsScrollbar from Nathan Faubion - SimplePie for RSS reader